There was a time several years ago that I actually got too skinny...I look at pictures of myself and think that was just not very attractive as you can see below and not to mention...I was very unhealthy in my obsession with it all. It ruled my life! And that is also not a happy place to be...
But in my struggle to let that well as blowing out 2 disc in my lower back due to my obsession with exercise and weight... I have swung back the other way where I don't take as much time to care about what goes into my mouth. So I have gained weight. And that is not a happy place to be either.
Don't get me wrong...I still love to run and exercise! That is not where the problem lies. The problem is the food that goes in my mouth. My body does not process breads and starches well. I can eat a 1000-1200 calorie diet and still gain weight. It is no lie...but the minute I cut out bread/sugar/starches...the weight comes off.
I know this but yet I don't want to live by it. Know what I mean...we know things are not good for us but we want it anyway. When I was diagnosed with Graves disease, there was a period of time when they killed my thyroid that I gained 30 pounds in about a 2 month time frame...what did I do?...cut out the above and guess what...I had lost all the weight in about a month and a half. So as I continued to see the scale rise again in the last couple of years...I have been forced to look at my lifestyle and know that if I want to be thinner...I have to choose.
I love to cook and that is the hardest part of trying to be healthy. But I know that at some point once I get back to where I need to be, I will be able to reintroduce "some" of those foods into my life but at the same time, I also know that I just can't eat those things. For is just easier to cut them out completely.
The good news do get past the point that you crave those carbs the way you use to. The harder part is to get my kids to eat that way. That is the hardest thing for me...I want my kids to want to eat healthy but at the same time, it is on me as to why they don't. They did not take themselves to the grocery store and buy all the processed foods and sweets they have been use to their whole lives. Of course I would always make sure they had some fruit and veggies along side their pizza rolls or lunchables. (??!!) So funny! that it actually made me feel better about the awful stuff they were eating by throwing in a few slices of apples. What are we doing to our kids when we teach them that all this stuff is alright to eat? Please don't get me wrong...I am not Mrs Organic...I would love to be able to say that I am but I am just gonna be is hard to pay 2 and 3 times the cost for organic food. I also am setting here with a diet a&w cream soda sitting next to me. No...I am by no means close to where I want to be. But that is the point! I want to be better! And I want my family to want to be better. Even if that means taking it a step at a time.
Maybe it is age...maybe it is because I want to help my children understand that taking care of our bodies is so important because we only get one. Maybe it is because I don't want to continue to take for granted that I am always going to have my health and flippantly treat my health as something that is a God-given right. Maybe because it is important! So I strive to try to change some of our habits and in the process have also embarked on a mission to try to be creative and use my love for cooking to find recipes and invent some new healthy favorites for our household. It is not easy! But we are going to keep going. As we keep going, I will try to post some recipes we find along the way.
Dave has been playing tons of raquetball and has also commited to this change in habits...he is down 25lbs and guess am I :o) It is worth it. It may not seem like it at first but I refuse to be a slave to food!! Its purpose is to provide nourishment to our body...not fill our spirit! I want my spirit to be filled by the One who provides everlasting nourishment!
Kristy...I am so struggling with this also. I have cut out sweets during the week for 2 weeks now..which is ooooo sooo sooo hard for me. But I am getting better. I will be posting about it soon. For's an obedience problem...I obey food...simple.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this! I am so proud of you! See again...if you lived closer we could run together...though you would probably kick my butt when it comes to running!! Pray for me...I will do the same for's all about eating healthy and taking care of what GOd has given you & obedience! Love you!