So about three years ago, we redid Ashtyn's room. It was fun but in order to put up the wall paper, I had to sand off all the texture on the bottem half of her room...and let me just say...I will never, ever, ever! do it again. Did I say never? First off, I didn't even think about covering the vents to her room and...well let's just say it was a mistake that I learned greatly from. Anywho...three, very short in my opinion, years later...Ashtyn is convinced that her current decorations are just too young for her. And guess what else..."I really want texture back on my walls too mom"...blink...deep breaths..."Do you remember what I went through to get the texture off your walls???" "Sure mom...but I need something that will look good if I want to antique over the paint..."which gave me another moments pause before I said..."go to time out!" Okay! So that doesn't work with a fourteen year old...fine!! Then I'll just go to my own time out!!!
So after much time spent in my personal "time outs" and about 30 eye rolls later...not Ashtyn's, mine!!...every time the subject came up...I relented and allowed her to start picking out paint. And while Dave was away, we started pulling down wall paper. (We have to plan major redo's to coincide with business is the secret to a long and happy marraige!
So here was the old...makes me a little sad...

And down comes the wall paper...what a messy job...border is easy...its the rest of the wall that gets ya. Border just pulls off all together...the pull and get an inch and a half strip and you think how long is this gonna take if it comes off an inch at a time. Luckily we found better remover but I always remind myself during these projects that I am hiring out next time...yet somehow I forget the frustration and am ready to tackle another project in no time. I think women are made that way...the whole forgetting thing...or else we would never even dream of having a second child after what we go through with the's the forgetting trait and it allows us to also believe our children when they tell us that redo'ing their room won't be hard at all...

I had to go ahead and take some pics of the decorations as they are all's nice to have memories of what was...and this sign pretty much sums it up about Ashtyn. Her brother will confirm if there are any doubts.

This is one of her dressers...isn't it fun what a little paint and a sharpie marker will do?? I have no shame...if a sharpie marker will do the job...that's what I use :o)

That is what is fun about do it yourself can pretty much do whatever you want and not feel bad about it....
Side view...
After all the wall paper was down...kinda sad!
And here is the new progress.... you can see, she went from a hot pink to a now....RED RED RED.

Stay tuned for the finished product...
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