Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon :o) yes I am a Twilighter...I cannot believe the angst that comes up with people when you say that outloud...its like what is the big deal about liking these books and movies. There are some really strong opinions out there and I find it funny how most of it comes from people who have never read the books.

I will admit, my whole reasoning for starting the books was due to the fact that I have a teenage daughter who wanted to read them. I knew they were about vampires and all the little warnings went off in my head that these books would probably not be good for her. So to prove the point that they were bad to read, I decided to read some of Twilight to have first hand knowledge of why she shouldn't be allowed to read them...and guess what...yep you guessed it! I loved them.

I know young teenage love with a little far fetched imagination thrown is not everyones idea of an interesting read; however, for me it was in many ways a step back into my younger years and remembering those all too precious feelings of being young and in what I considered love. Sometimes I think that is what appeals to all the moms out there that have becomes fans. As for my daughter, there are far worse influences than vampires that drink animal blood (unless your PETA feelers run deep) and who make it a point to WAIT for marriage to have sex. I love that my daughter was able to read this fantasy and get a break from the everyday WHY WAIT message. And even though there are definitely things in the book that I don't advocate...fully knowing many could point out all the points they disagree with...I certainly was surprised by the overall content and even the author's approach concerning God.

So with all that being said...the greatest part of these books have been being able to share them with my daughter. They have created a language between us that has allowed us to talk about things far more important than the Twilight series as they have become a doorway in so many ways that has broached some of those hard issues. Which believe me...when you have teenagers, you understand the importance of being able to open up those lines of communication...for that I will be forever grateful knowing we have been able to share this common ground.

The only drawback at this point is that my daughter really believes that she should grow up and marry Taylor Lautner which is understandable since I was suppose to grow up and marry Rick Springfield...but in the end...she will find that perfect special someone just as I did and in the meantime get to experience what being young and having those sweet teenage crushes is all about!

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