Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Don’t be a pic hater!!

Okay…so I receive a lot of grief…okay maybe not a lot, but a few grumblings nonetheless, about the fact that my son Caleb doesn’t get a lot of blog time…be patient…gesh! One real big reason is simply that Caleb, like his father, does not like to have his picture taken. And I am one of those people who don’t like to make people take pictures when they really don’t want to. Especially in today’s world where every bad picture ever taken is plastered up on facebook, myspace, or in blog world. Even when I may think a picture is great, the subject may not and it is really a choice that should be theirs and not mine. And not to mention that when someone is uncomfortable in front of the camera…it is going to show in the pics and that is just not fun~

Now, with that being said, by no means assume that I don’t do my darndest to get my son to “cooperate and just let me, for the love of Pete, get a good picture!” “People think I don’t love you!!!” …small grin…”whatever mom…”…sigh…

So I do the only thing a desperate mom can do…I wait for his friends to come over and let them help me guilt him into it…

So when Kayla comes to do Chemisty homework…out with the camera I come…of course not before Caleb can get his shirt up to cover his face.

“Please…just one???” …”Mom, we are trying to do homework!!”… “I know, but this will be a memory…think about all the times you and Kayla have worked on homework together….we need to memorialize it!”

And sweet, sweet Kayla…”Come on Caleb…just one…” Mom’s are smart when it comes to knowing how to manipulate our children. It’s actually a gift God has given us!

Okay…so it’s just a little smile…but hey…that is like a major accomplishment in my book! Awww…see it’s not so bad :O)

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